As we worked our way through the airport in Ethiopia it was interesting to say the least. The airport is on the primitive side and the processes don't necessarily make sense. There is nothing that makes you miss home more than a primitive airport. The plane ride home was exhausting and pretty good considering. The first 4 hour flight Micah fell asleep for the second half and then slept through the airport in Dubai. Whew! We then headed to our hotel, got settled, showered, ate and had 1 hour until we had to leave for the airport again. So for an hour we tried to rest...ya right...but we tried. Micah slept most of the time at the hotel which was good for him. We then headed back to the airport to be ready for our 16 hour flight. Once we boarded, got settled, and were in the air Micah again fell asleep. We were pretty encouraged that he was sleeping soundly and did so for 4-1/2 hours. Woo Hoo! Then he woke up. He was happy and looking around very curiously. He made friends with the man sitting next to us and was having a good time. He was having such a good time he decided that he did not want to sleep anymore. We spend the remainder of the flight playing with him and then trying to get him to sleep. We were all exhausted and then as we were 4 minutes from landing HE FELL ASLEEP! Ah, FINALLY! This worked out well. We were able to make it through immigration and were waiting for our luggage before he woke up. Now there was a lot to see so whenever he got fussy all we needed to do was turn him to look at something new and he was fine. We made it through the airport within 1-1/2 hours, from airplane to waiting for the shuttle to get our van. That's pretty good considering all the terrorist activity that happened while we were gone.
We were very happy to be to our van and able to be in control of our own transportation...such a good feeling. Micah did very well in his car seat for the first time. In Ethiopia car seats are not required so he was held in all vehicles. Once the van was moving he was fine and again had much to look at. After about 45 minutes he fell asleep again and slept until we got home. We were exhausted! We had figured that we had not slept since 5am on the 5th, travelled across the world and lost 12 hours in time changes. It was a long time. We were so blessed to make it through this travel safe and sound. It felt surreal to think we travelled so far and were finally home.