We have now been home a little over a week. Here are some of the highlights:
-We have adjusted to the 11 hour difference a little more each day.
-Micah has learned that 1am, 3am or 4am are not times that we play or stay awake.
-Micah has visited friends at church and the girls school.
-We can get more than one thing done a day.
-Micah slept for 7 hours...now if we can shift that to end more towards the morning we would be all good.
-Micah had his first Dr. appointment. He weighs 10 lbs. and is 23-1/2" long.
-We are working through the variety of medical testing for Micah that goes along with being adopted.
-Micah is a fighter, when falling asleep you will hear a yell and then a snore, it is quite cute. He also has a new snore or squeek every night.
-Micah has the cutest giggle and belly laugh when being tickled.
-Micah thinks it's funny to touch his nose with his hand and to touch his forehead with his feet.
-We are still taking naps when possible (and we turn off our phones so don't worry about waking us up.)
-The girls are enjoying their brother. They are also very helpful.
-We are thankful for meals brought by family and friends.
-We are thankful for the Wii our family received for Christmas, it's keeping the girls occupied while we are occupied with Micah.
We have had a pretty smooth time transitioning. Really the hardest part is the exhaustion and wanting to go to bed by 7pm. Overtime it's all going to get better. We have been so blessed beyond belief. Our son is such a blessing!