What a week we have had! We have been visiting a variety of doctors to get Micah all checked out and to begin working through some of his health concerns. The concerns are that he is a preemie who had no medical care and also that he has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He also has a constant rattle sound he makes and we need to know what that is.
What we've learned most recently is:
-His chest X-ray came back clear which is good
-His swallow study went well, meaning he can swallow and there is no obvious problem with food going the wrong way, also good news
-He also had a visit to the eye doctor. This appointment has lead us on to another referral to a specialist to check some things out.
-The most productive appointment was the physical therapist. She checked him out and tested his abilities. We left with a long list of stretches, some tubigrip and more referrals. Next time you see him he may be sporting his Tubigrip, which looks like a combination of cotton tights and leg warmers. He wears these during the day on his legs and arms. This helps his brain know where his arms and legs are. So far he has done very well with them on. He is moving more and stretching out his arms and legs more as well. He is quite tickled with his new movements.
Next week we will be visiting an ENT to address the rattle sound he makes. We will also be hearing about several other referrals and appointments. Your prayers are appreciated as we work to address Micah's needs.