Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Final days-March 1-2

I can not express how thankful we are for all of the prayers! This last 36 hours has been quite difficult. The short story is we have had consistent care for the last 10 day with the same doctor. We were wondering at what point she my have a day off….that day is today. When she left we had meds set at what we are going home with, the plan for feeding was set. We were only in the hospital to test a formula and tweek the feeding to see what happens. So when with this eminent day off came a new doctor, new resident, new ideas it also brought a HUGE amount of advocating. We were so close to getting out and it felt like we were starting over. These new people came in and tried to change everything we had worked for 10 days to fine tune. Messing with us now could easily mean added days to our stay. It’s a good thing I am married to a steady man. I was irritated beyond belief and we both knew it was best for me to not be at the hospital those final hours. Randy knew my concerns and issues along with his own. I remained home and began to prep for bring Micah home while he began the advocating. He advocated and helped the new crew understand exactly why we were still in the hospital, what the plan is to home on and when we expect to leave. We were then release 4-6 hours earlier than we had expected.

On a more positive side of things, in many ways it feels like we have come full circle since being admitted to the hospital. We are getting a chance for the nurses and doctors to see God’s goodness through this hospitalization. Over the last couple of days we have had the chance to see the hospital staff who welcomed us the first night and worked with us that first treacherous week. Now they come by and see a completely different baby. First they notice his true personality, then they comment on how big he looks. They remember the difficulties they experienced with him and helped him through and then I see the satisfaction in their eyes. I have thanked them for the excellent care they have provided and for being part of his story, from sickness to thriving and sadness to joy. God has orchestrated the perfect care for Micah, better than any human could do. We’ve shared the story of God’s goodness in saving Micah and connecting us together. We hope our family has been a blessing to them along the way as well.

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